A | |
abia | The superscripts are hardly (or scarcely) visible. |
abordare | A more careful approach is needed. |
absolut analog | In complete analogy with the result, we may prove |
accentua atenţie | |
se accentuiază atenţie asupra | In this section, emphasis is placed (or attention is focussed) on autonomous systems. |
accepta o ipoteză | to accept a hypothesis |
aceiaşi | The numbers +8 and +3 have like signs. No two polynomials can have all their roots alike (or the same) unless they differ by a numerical factor. |
acelaşi | The preceding discussion may be summed up by saying that the arithmetic for complex numbers is much the same as that for real numbers. |
acum | We now want to let j®Ą. For the present we content ourselves with demonstrating the assertions just made concerning the sets G and H. |
arăta | |
acum este uşor de arătat că | We can now easily show that ... |
adecvat | The model fits the process under study adequately. |
adeveri | |
se adevereşte că | Thus the martingale y(t) turns out to be a process with independent increments. |
s-a adeverit a fi | This proved to be a bigger problem than originally anticipated. This value was found to be cos(p/17). |
admite | |
la fel admite | The function h(t) also admits decomposition of the form (4). |
adresa | |
ne adresăm la | We now turn to the task of considering the continuous-parameter supermarlingales. |
aduce | |
demonstraţia este adusă | The proof of the theorem is given in [8]. |
aduna | |
adunăm | Now write down these inequalities for n, n+1, ..., n+m and add them to obtain the estimation (6). |
afirma | |
afirmă | The fundamental theorem of arithmetic asserts that every integer greater than 1 can be factored in one and only one way, apart from order, as the product of positive prime numbers. Bohm [2] claims that there is such a thing as the primacy of metaphysics in connection with biology. |
afirmaţie | |
afirmaţie mai generală | A more general statement can be found in [15]. |
afirmaţie necesară | Approaching the limit as N®Ą we obtain the required assertion. |
afirmaţie reciprocă | The converse of (5) is false. The converse of this statement is known to be false. However, if we are concerned only with versions of a given process, the converse holds in the following sense. |
afla | |
a afla | We are now in a position to determine (or to find) the value of x*. |
ajunge | |
ajungem la ... | Thus we arrive at the following conclusion [definition, equation, theorem, assertion, result]. |
ajutor | |
cu ajutorul | By means of the equivalence relation we get the decomposition of the set of all oriented segments into disjoint classes such that segments in the same class are equivalent and segments in different classes are not equivalent. When formalizing the notions of probability theory, the first fundamental assumption is that the results of experiments can be described by means of a certain set W. The data were obtained with the help (or with the aid) of a digitizer. Both problems are solved by constructing a right-hand inverse matrix Sr-1 of S. |
alt | Another way to approach the problem is to take a Taylor series expansion of g(t). |
altă | Any term may be transposed from one member of equation to the other, provided its sign is changed. The random variable h may have a different distribution. |
altfel | This definition also makes use of the abstraction principle, but in another way. |
altfel zis | Otherwise speaking [fn(x)] = [gn(x)] if and only if |
amănunţit | |
mai amănunţit | These operations are discussed in more detail in next section. |
ambele | Both estimates are quite rough. But the functions f and g are both continuous, and thus the two functions coincide. Multiplying the two sides of (4) by cosmx and integrating, we obtain ... |
ambele părţi | The two sides of Young's inequality |
ambiguu | This ambiguity does not lead to misunderstanding. |
aminti | |
amintim că | We recall that the compensator gn of the measure of jumps mn is non-negative. Recall that L is generated by all processes whose trajectories are right-continuous and have right limits. |
analiza | |
pentru a analiza | To analyse the equation, it is convenient to go over to non-dimensional variables. |
este analizată | To analyse the equation, it is convenient to go over to non-dimensional variables. The sum S is analysed analogously. |
analogic | The proof of (11) is completely analogous to that of (10). |
analogic cu ... | We shall introduce distributions in a way analogous to that used in the Cantor theory when generalizing rational to real numbers. |
analogie | The analogue of the Fermat's theorem is also valid. |
anume | In this particular case only one side of the triangle, namely BC, has traces within the limits of the drawing. If S consists of a single element x, then R(x), namely the smallest subring containing x, is commutative. The extended solutions have the property II, namely of uniform continuity. |
aparatul matematic | mathematical apparatus (or tools / techniques) a body of mathematics |
aparţine | |
aparţine la | The process X(t) falls into one of the following three classes depending on its asymptotic behaviour. This equation falls among the so-called renewal equations. |
care nu aparţine | This equation contradicts the assumption that G contains points not belonging to D. |
apărea | |
apare | The problem arises of finding the conditions under which the distribution p(u) is unimodal. |
aplica | |
să aplicăm | Let us apply this result to the case of an increasing process At. |
pot fi aplicate | Formulas (1) and (2) may be employed on condition that the contour C has no loops. |
se poate de aplicat | Since p is of the form 1+4m, Corollary 2.5 is applicable and hence p=x2+y2. |
aproape | The temperature was observed to be near zero. |
aproape de | The angle q is closed to 45 deg. |
aproape peste tot | The Lebesque-integrable functions are equal if and only if they have the same values almost everywhere. |
aproape toate | Nearly all scientific problems deal with quantities and relations among them. |
aproape toţi | It is easy to verify that f(x)<C for almost all x. |
aproximativ acelaşi | As the numbers of the molecules moving in opposite directions are much the same, it is natural to assume ... |
aproximaţie | |
în primă aproximaţie | As (or in) a first approximation, x(t) may be chosen to be t2. |
aranja în ordine crescătoare [descrescătoare] | |
sunt aranjaţi în ordine crescă- toare [descrescătoare] | The jump moments t1, t2, ..., tn are arranged in ascending [descending] order. |
arăta | |
arată | Fig.12 depicts the slope of the line Dx versus Dt. |
vom arăta | We shall show that in this case p must divide b. |
este arătat | The slope of the line Dx versus Dt is shown schematically in Fig.12. |
pentru a arăta că | To show that q and r are unique, suppose that q' and r' is any pair of integers for which a=bq'+r', 0 ≤ r' < b. |
cum este arătat mai sus | As has been shown above, the process X t is a continuous L2-martingale. |
arbitrar | Let x(t) be an arbitrary quasi-potential. Suppose this is true for an arbitrary n. |
argument | This is a convincing reason for the study of stochastic equations of the form. This reason suggests that the solution to Eqn (17) is unique. |
argumente | There are doubtful points in the above reasoning. |
aritmetică | Arithmetic is the elementary branch of mathematics dealing with the properties of numbers and their operations. |
asigura | |
asigură | Property 1o ensures the feasibility of the addition. The MIS furnishes (or supplies) data for management. |
asociat | |
asociată cu (referitoare la) | The error is associated with (or is due to) the inaccuracy in computations. The study is concerned with linear functionals of supercritical processes. The first problem is directly related to partial differential equations. Further extension of the notion of a stochastic integral is connected with the extension of the notion of convergence. |
asociat la | The polynomial R(t) corresponding to this function by (6) is almost everywhere nonzero. The space, S2k-1, and the projective metric, L(r,s), associated with it will play an important part in the future. It is convenient to replace k by a new factor m related to k by the relation m=4pk. |
astfel | Thus the following theorem has been proved. The factors m and k are related as follows: m=4pk. |
astfel încât | Let X be a space such that from every open cover we can select a finite cover. We break up the component a into several components in such a way that A and B now belong to different components. We select a basis in the underlying space such that ... Specifically, the parameter can be chosen so that the distribution is unimodal. The model is so constructed as to allow further modification and improvement. |
astfel ... ca | We take a point on the line such that ... |
astfel ... încât | We take a point on the line such that ... Applying Lemma 20.3 k times, we infer that there exists a periodic function G0(x) with G0(k)=g(x). |
aşa numit | In applications we often come across the so-called Heaviside function. |
aşa ... pentru care | We take a point on the line such that ... |
aşadar | Thus, the integral on the right-hand side of (5) can be analytically continued to the whole domain. The last formula becomes p(la+mq)=b, so that p|b. Every element in T has norm at least equal to 1, so there must be one of them, g , which is of least positive norm. Since p is of the form 1+4m, Corollary 2.5 is applicable and hence p=x2+y2. Therefore P(x,s,t,A) saitsfies the Chapman-Kolmogorov equation. Consequently, |
ataşa la | |
poate fi ataşat la | The process X(t) may be placed (or put) into one of the following three classes depending on its asymptotic behaviour. |
atinge | |
atinge maximum [minimum] | The function y(x) reaches its maximum [minimum] at x*=3h/2. Let b1(s,w) coincide with the z for which the minimum of the function | B(s,w) z |, | z |=1, is attained and let |
atinge scopul | |
de a atinge scopul | In order to attain the purpose, we shall not avail ourselves of the methods of functional analysis. |
este atins scopul | This aim is attained (or objective is accomplished) by introducing non-dimensional variables x' = x/x0 and |
atinge | |
se atinge | Evidently, if the inf in (1.5) is attained at a certain point |
atrage atenţia | |
să atragă atenţia | The reader should take notice of the fact that the scale parameter a does not enter into the expression for G(u). It is necessary to pay special attention to the behaviour of F(x) at infinity. |
se atrage atenţia | Recently much attention (or thought / consideration) has been given to the study of the diffusion processes. |
atribui sens | |
pentru a atribui sens | To attach a meaning to the solution of this stochastic equation, we must define the measure m more accurately. |
se atribuie sens | Analogous meaning is attached to the notation D[0,Ą). |
atribui valoarea | |
atribuim valoarea | We assign the value 0 to this state. |
valori pot fi atribuite | A variable is a quantity to which an unlimited number of values can be assigned in an investigation. |
automat | It follows automatically that these Rm-semisimple rings are strongly Rm-semisimple. |
auxiliar | As a preliminary to the proof of the theorem, we shall discuss several auxiliary assertions. |
avantaj | |
avantaje | To appreciate the merits (or the advantages) of this theory, it suffices to observe that ... |
avantaj principal | The main (or principal / major) advantage of this approach is that it enables the results of the previous chapter to be extended to the case under consideration. |
avea | |
avem | Since a satisfies (1), we have Y 1=Y 2. |
nu are | For instance, the function The prime number p possess no factors other than ± 1 and ± p. |
poate avea | It follows that the solution can have only a finite number of zeros in D. |
nu poate avea | It follows that the solution cannot have more than a finite number of zeros in D. |
avea de-a face | |
avem de-a face | In this section we deal only with rational integers. |
avea intenţia | |
vom avea intenţia | In this section we are going to modify our definition of distribution so as to obtain a notion equivalent to that of S. Sobolyev and L. Schwartz. |
avea loc | |
această nu poate avea loc | This cannot be, for l/p is not a rational number. |
această are loc în cazul | This happens to be the case for those equations in which S increases. |
avea maxim [minim] | |
are maxim [minim] | The function y(x) has a maximum [minimum] at the point x*=3h/2. |
avea neajunsul | |
au neajunsul | These equations possess a fundamental defect (or demerit / draw back / disadvantage). |
are neajunsul | His hypothesis has limitations of its own. |
avea nevoie de | |
vom avea nevoie de | In order to achieve this, we shall need some material from elementary number theory. |
avea o formă ... | |
are o formă ... | Equation (3.2) is of the following form ... |
avea o mare importanţă | |
are o mare importanţă | In applications the following theorem is of great importance. |
avea sens | |
dacă are sens | The symbol |
nu are sens | If the common part is empty, the difference has no sense. |
avea soluţie unică | |
are soluţie unică | Equation (7) has a unique solution. |
avea un caracter | |
are un caracter | Noise w(t) is stochastic in character (or in nature). Noise w(t) is of a stochastic character (or nature). |
avea valoarea | |
are valoarea | The derivative F'(x) has the value 0 at the point 0. |
joi, 17 noiembrie 2011
Dictionar Matematic Roman-Englez de Fraze Uzuale - litera A
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